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10 Things about Writing

Welcome everyone

Here I just want to tell you all of you who are interested in Writing stories or any other kind of writing..

I got some advices for you..here you go:

1- Try to write the peice of Writing on Microsoft Word to check your spelling mistakes.
2- Always write sapertaed paragraphs when Writing a story.
3- Always leave a space at the begining of a paragraph.
4- If you are Writing with your hand…then try to make your hand Writing as CLEAR AS POSSIBLE.
5- If you can check it with someone who is quite good at english for gramar mistakes that would be better.
6- Try to make it simple for people to understand it.
7- Avoid using complicated and unknown words in your writing.
8- If you write something and you didn’t like it…don’t throw it away..let someone else judge it for you.
9- Always be confident of yourself. If some people can write so can you.
10- Always be organized in your writing…so FOr example if you are Writing a long story with many chapters then write the begining FIRST and then the rest of the story…Don’t start from the end because this will mess everything up..

At the end I wish you all best of luck…and for any Question about english please feel free to ask me OR Mr.Vain about it….I’m here to help you and I know Mr.Vain is surely at your service…

Peace all.

thanks for the advice brother…
:041206043 thank you alot for the wonderful advice
You are welcome Lamboo

My pleasure HIND

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