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:: agreat book that i hope everyone to read it ::

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slam 3lekom

hi everybody

i want to ask you to read this wonderful book that i had read

Who Moved My Cheese?

An amazing way to deal with change in your work and in your life

The author
DR. Spenscer Johnson

it’s successful book that will help everyone to deal with the changes
in there life or in there work

the book is like a story
that talking about two little people (( How and Hem)) and two mice ((Sniff and Scurry))

and all of them are looking for cheese in a Maze

it’s a famous story that most of the people know about it.

the english in this story is easy
so don’t read it in Arabic

but if you hate reading in English
you can read it in Arabic
اسم الكتاب بالعربي (( من حرك قطعه الجبن الخاصه بي؟ ))

it’s a great book
i hope all if you plan to read it

sakura uae

Thank you sakura..


Where i can read it?


i bought it from Magroudy’s book shop


you will find it there

sakura uae


Thanks sis ..

when i will go there i will buy it 4 sure..

Sounds nice book, but where i can fine Magroudy’s book shop in Abu dhabi/?

Mr. Vain

you welcome
i hope you will enjoy it

sakura uae

Red Rose

yes it’s a nice book
but i don’t know where can you find Magroudy’s book shop in Abu Dhabi

i’m so sorry :104hj:

sakura uae


this is the most famouse and popular book around the world that for it has many different versions 🙂

thanks alot 4 providing us with this information, looking 4 ward to seeing from u more about different globally books

note: u can call 181 and ask about magroudy branch in AD

thanks very much sakura

i’ve been searching for this book since ages

just now >> i know where i can find it

:047o: :036g:

نبض الورد

thanks dear 4 passing
and thanks because u told us how can we find al magroudy bookshop in AD


sakura uae

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