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what is the effects of illegal drugs on teenagers?
والسمووووووووووووووحـــه عالإطـاله
Adolescence is typically a period of experimentation, irrespective of parenting skills and influence. Cannabis is the most common illegal drug used by teenagers, with around one in five having tried it at least once. Parents typically worry about their child becoming dependent on drugs such as methamphetamines (speed and ice), ecstasy, heroin and cocaine. However, the more likely threat to any teenager’s health is the use of drugs such as alcohol and tobacco
Reasons for taking drugs
Teenagers use drugs for similar reasons that adults do – to change how they feel because they want to feel better or different.
Reasons may include:
Socializing with friends
peer pressure or the need to feel part of a group
Relaxation or fun
experimentation or wanting to take risks To escape from psychological or physiological
Cannabis as a ‘gateway’ drug
Many parents are concerned that if their child tries cannabis, it will only be a matter of time before they progress to other drugs, such as amphetamines and heroin. However, there is no evidence to support the theory that cannabis is a ‘gateway’ drug that automatically leads to the use of other drugs.
Preventing drug use
There are no parenting skills or behaviors that guarantee a child will never touch drugs. However, parents and guardians can reduce the possibility of a child experiencing drug problems in a number of ways.
Suggestions include:
Foster a close and trusting relationship with your child from an early age
support and encourage positive behavior.
Model appropriate behavior such as drinking moderately, not smoking and not using illicit drugs.
Establish agreements and guidelines about what is acceptable behavior around alcohol and drugs.
Encourage a healthy approach to life including good foods, regular exercise and sports.
Encourage your child to have more than one group of friends.
Allow your child to practice responsibility and develop good decision-making skills from an early age.
Keep yourself informed about drugs and educate your child on the dangers of drug use.
Do not exaggerate or make information up.
]Have open and honest discussions about drugs.
Effects & Dangers:
Alcohol first acts as a stimulant, and then it makes people feel relaxed and a bit sleepy.
]High doses of alcohol seriously affect judgment and coordination Drinkers may have slurred speech, confusion, depression, short-term memory loss, and slow reaction times.
Large volumes of alcohol drunk in a short period of time may cause alcohol poisoning
that is what i could collect for you
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ان شاء الله يفيدك/ج
والله ما تقصري يسلمووو
In recent years, much has been learned about the health effects of teen drug use. Drugs are readily available to those who choose to use them in either an “experimental” way or to those who are chronic drug abusers. The consequence of such use, even causal use, can be devastating to both the user and to the users family members. But, teen drug use is costly to more than just families. It is especially costly to our society as a whole. Youth’s immature physical, emotional, and psychological development make them MORE susceptible than adults to the harmful effects of drug abuse. In the 7 years that the National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse (CASA) at Columbia University has published the National Survey of American Attitudes on Substance Abuse, results have indicated that teens and their parents view drugs as their biggest concern.
The health effects of teen drug use can vary, depending on such factors as frequency of use, the kind of drug taken, how much is taken, how quickly it gets into the brain, what other drugs are taken at the same time, the differences in body size and chemistry, the length of time the drugs are used, and other components. Some, but certainly not all, of the most frequently used drugs and their effects will be discussed in this article.