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الرئيسية » 【ツ】 Let’s smile 【ツ】

【ツ】 Let’s smile 【ツ】 2024.

Hi every one how are you ? i hope you be fine
if you want to smile just read this topic
Smiling is infectious ; you catch it like the flu
When someone smiled to me today I will start smiling too

I passed around the corner and someone saw my grin
When he smiled I realized I’d passed it on to him


I thought about that smile , and realized its worth
A single smile , just like mine , could travel round the Earth

So if you feel a smile begin, don’t leave it undetected
!! Let’s start an epidemic quick and get the world infected

Well, now smile again when I admit this topic is

with my love

Woow ..I like it the word its Keep my smiling XD
thaax and keep it up 😀
thanks alot ash for goming here

Smiling is infectious ; you catch it like the flu
When someone smiled to me today I will start smiling too

thanks alot for visiting my subject
hey ra7eeee8
how are you doing sis
i hOpe yOu are fine anD dOing greaT

wOw sis .. what a hopeful Topic
yes inDeed ,, hOw a niCe whn someOne sTart his mOrning smiling
anD beinG a grin faCe

he Gives life much hOpe and happiness ,, alsO makes him self active and able to start his life agian

eVeryOne neeeeeed that smiles ,, eVeryone must be hOpeful to maKe the others same feels

well dOne sweeT sis .. you did the Best chOice Of a greT tOpiC


i hOpe That be neVer end
and cOmes better and better tO be besT

wiTh besT wisheS
ur brO marVelOh


True life will smile when you smile you always more to no avail

Therefore, I hope you are happy in your entire smile

Smile is a foundation of life, so be always smiling

Very nice comment,

Thank you for your reply

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