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الرئيسية » To Be . You Must

To Be . You Must

To … Be

To be free
you must
have power

To be respected
you Must
respect others

To be poular
you Must
be knowm

To have a thing
you Must
give things

To succeed
You Must
Work hard

To ride
the carousel
you Must
get on the horse

To fish
the oceans blue
you Must
sail upon the sea

To taste
the sweetest fruit
you must
sink your teeth in deep

To fly
across the sky
you must
ride the jet into clouds

To reach
the canyon’s rim
you must
climb the rocky cliffs

To live
you must
risk dying

To be replied by others
you Must
add wonderful threads

To be honest in writing
you Must
refer to the original writer

To be believable by others
You Must
Not tell lies

To be not ignored by others
you Must
not show pride

To be respected
you Must
respect yourself and others

so thats the matter To be … You must

great job
it`s really very useful and nice sentences
i am waiting for your new topics


To be free
you must
have power


Punchedit vary nice
and ilike


Nise Word &later

Thanks Alot for your TopIc

With my wishes


nice transfer
it is good topic
keep Up
i like the words . .

thnx myaawoo for that . .

your little sis : ™ŁĩŤţĻė Ƥʀ!ƝćĒšŠ

عبارات حلوه ،
مميزه و قيْمــَـه . .

لج الشكر عالمشاركه الحلوه
لاخلا ولاعدم ،

Thank you for this topic

I like your sentence

we are waiting for new Top!cs




amazing topic & nice advices

thanks alot dear& keep going on

i like your object and let us see more 4rom u

thanks again and see yaa soon

with my love// Bent Al-Ali



خليجية اقتباس خليجية
To taste
the sweetest fruit
you must
sink your teeth in deep
خليجية خليجية

Really Great …
luv it

..waitin 4 ur new siso.

keep it going..



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