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الرئيسية » Be Thankful

Be Thankful 2024.


Be thankful for the difficult times
During those times you grow

Be thankful for your limitations
Because they give you opportunities for improvement

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character

Be thankful for your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons

Be thankfulfor your mistakes
They will teach you valuable lessons

thanks my dear

for this topic that is so great to learn from our mistakes

really I got several mistakes,but I learned many things from all of them

thank you very much for this topic.

don’t let us to miss your new topics

best wishes

your sis
Nwaree chan

Welcome my dear Nwaree chan
thank you for your reply
and i appreciate your words


slaamu 3leekm ^^

al7mdllah we’re muslims..this is big gift from Allah..I’ll be thankful ..and we must be thankful for this gift ^_^

best wishes ^^

oh, I forgot something ..^^

and we must be peaceful ^^too

fe 2maan allah ..m3 alslaama ^^

Be thankful for each new challenge
Because it will build your strength and character

I really believe this sentences because especailly during my studies in unversity I face several challenges that help me to be more strong to achieve these challenges and lead to satisfaction


Thanx 7yatoo for this nice topic


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