تعال اختبر انجليزتك . Test your English HERE 2024.


How good is your English?

Get a professional review of your english skills in Englishtown’s 30 minute academic test.

اختبر انجليزتك..

بهذا الإمتحان الأكاديمي تقدر تمتحن نفسك .. وتعرف مستواك الإنجليزي ..

الإمتحان يتكون من (قواعد,استماع(,وقراءة)

You will Test in Grammer, listening and reading..

Good Luck

Start Test

مشكور الغالي عالموضوع

ولازم ادخل الامتحان لاني تعبان بال….Grammer, listening and reading

مشكور مستر فين على الموضوع
وهوه اكيدمهم بنسبالي بما اني طالبه لغه انجليزيه
thanks alot
:041206043 thanks alot mr . vain for the test

Grammar 82%
You got 33 out of 40 answers correct, which is above average.

Listening 80%
You got 8 out of 10 answers correct, which is above average.

Reading 77%
You got 6 out of 10 answers correct, which is below average.

i did my best in that Test 🙂

ثانكس مستر بين لازم اتعلم انجليزي زين……………

Thaanx Mr Vain

i skipped the reading part 😛

it takes time lol

Thnx anywayyyz

™☺++ Sample TOEFL Test ++☺™ 2024.

[[ .. و علييكم السلااام و الرحمة ..
الموقع شكلة مفييد واايد ..
مشكووور .. ]]
…..:)wonderful site

thanks DaNGer MaN

شيخة الزينات

بيبي هارت

اشكركم على المرور

في أمان الله

Try to test your English with Institute of first Education 2024.

Good moring Evening
every member
I hope that all of you are fine


Actually, I found this remarkable website
for testing your English
It might help you to know your english level with exact statical


Bset wishes for us

With best Sincerely,

We are fine , and you ?! ^^
Thanks alot dear for this link
It will help us to improve our language
and make it better ..

Thanks again sis , and we wait for more
Good luck

If you are fine, Iam fine darling

Your welcome sweety, Ameen I hope that

And I will wait your responds in all my threats
My God Bless You

thanxx alot


Good Evening 7oor
i am fine
and what about you ?
i like this website alot
what give me better information
thanks alot sis
Good luck
thaaaax 😀
thaaaax 😀